Intro to the Asian Pacific Countries

The Asia Pacific countries consist of China, India, Australia, South Korea, and other smaller surrounding countries. This blog is a spot where we will be posting our thoughts and our findings on the business happenings in the Asian Pacific Countries. The Asian Pacific area is one of the fastest growing economic regions in the world, and is one of the strongest already. Although the region will probably need structural reforms to address its demographic challenges. At the moment, the Asia Pacific area is going from being the biggest contributor to the global working-age population to taking away hundreds of millions of people from it. These things, along with many other things will be discussed on this blog so stick around to read more in the near future!


  1. Did you know that the United States is actually considered a member of the Asia-Pacific countries?

  2. I am excited to hear more about these countries since I do not know much about them already! It does make sense that they are all growing economically and productively, since just by looking at the picture and which countries are a part of the Asia Pacific countries I can see that this is where a lot of our imports come from and where a lot of our products are produced.

  3. Dr. Spaeth, I had no idea that the US is considered a member. What are some of the qualifications that separate a country apart from one who is a member of the Asia- Pacific, than one who is not?

  4. I am eager to read more of your blogs. I did not know that the Asia Pacific area was one of the fastest growing economic regions in the world. I found that to be super interesting.

  5. I do not know very much about this area especially it's trading, so this will be an interesting blog for me.


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